About Us

We’re in a hurry!

It took 25 years to mainstream renewables. We can’t wait that long. We work with large-scale investors to focus primary capital on the highest leverage opportunities to achieve decarbonization tipping points across all key sectors within this decade.

Tony Lent

Executive, entrepreneur, and serial platform builder with 25+ years focused on sustainability and climate-focused enterprise. Has mobilized more than $2 billion into the low-carbon market transition.

Deborah Stern

Executive, entrepreneur, consultant dedicated to financing and achieving a sustainable world. 25+ years designing and building philanthropic, business, multi-stakeholder initiatives; campaigns for up to $100 Million.

Bruce Strong

Senior Product Manager
Digital transformation expert and author who has advised organizations like Boeing, Travelers, the World Bank, State Street, Clean Air Task Force, and the New York Public Library.

About our Funders

Primary funding for this project has come from the Quadrature Climate Foundation. Funding was also provided by ClimateWorks and in part by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through the Finance Hub, which was created to advance sustainable finance.

We also wish to acknowledge the Wells Fargo Foundation, which provided generous support for Capital for Climate’s early development.

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About our Collaborators

Special thanks to COP26 High Level Champions team members Meryam Omi (Finance Team from LGIM), Sue Reid (Co-Chair, Finance Team), and Irene Suarez (Lead, Nature-based Solutions and Food Systems Team) for their tireless efforts, support, and insight.

We further acknowledge contributions from Lucy Almond, Chair of Nature4Climate; Stephanie Kimball, Director of Climate Change Strategy, Conservation International; Ana Lima, Head of Environmental Issues, UNPRI; and the Project Drawdown team.